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to sulk

См. также в других словарях:

  • sulk|y — sulk|y1 «SUHL kee», adjective, sulk|i|er, sulk|i|est. 1. silent because of bad humor; sullen: »She gets sulky and won t play if she can t be leader. SYNONYM( …   Useful english dictionary

  • sulk — sulk·er; sulk·i·ly; sulk·i·ness; sulk; …   English syllables

  • Sulk — may refer to: *to be moodily silent usually as a result of a grievance *Sulk (album), the Associates album *Sulk (song), the Radiohead song …   Wikipedia

  • Sulk — Sulk, n. [L. sulcus.] A furrow. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sulk — Sulk, v. i. [See {Sulkiness}.] To be silently sullen; to be morose or obstinate. T. Hook. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sulk — /sulk/, v.i. 1. to remain silent or hold oneself aloof in a sullen, ill humored, or offended mood: Promise me that you won t sulk if I want to leave the party early. n. 2. a state or fit of sulking. 3. sulks, ill humor shown by sulking: to be in… …   Universalium

  • sulk — [sulk] vi. [back form. < SULKY] to be sulky n. 1. a sulky mood or state: also the sulks 2. a sulky person …   English World dictionary

  • sulk — index brood Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sulk — 1781, back formation of sulky (adj.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sulk — [v] pout be down in the mouth*, be in a huff*, be morose, be out of sorts*, be silent, brood, frown, gloom, glower, gripe, grouse, grump*, look sullen, lower, moon*, mope*, scowl, take on; concepts 35,52 Ant. be happy, grin, smile …   New thesaurus

  • sulk — ► VERB ▪ be silent, morose, and bad tempered through annoyance or disappointment. ► NOUN ▪ a period of sulking. DERIVATIVES sulker noun …   English terms dictionary

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